Current Initiatives

ASCHA’s advocacy priorities and key initiatives are informed by the experiences of our members, and evidence provided by the sector. We advocate as an association, or as a wider collective, in partnership with allied organizations and other bodies at the national, provincial, and local levels. 

All current initiatives are aligned with our Principled Positions and Noble Cause. Issues are identified by the sector, prioritized by our membership, and brought to the ASCHA Board of Directors for direction and action. 


Advocating for the Housing and Supports Albertans Need 

ASCHA’s primary role as an association is to advocate and propose actionable recommendations to ensure Alberta remains a place where everyone can thrive. ASCHA puts forth immediate and continuing actions that all levels of government can take to ensure a comprehensive housing system is in place, with limited barriers to access, funding, and supply. To ensure the success of all seniors and community housing options, we are focused on the following priorities:

Empowering & Supporting Albertans with Integrated Care & Community Supports
Sustainable Funding and Workforce Development for Diverse Housing Needs
Strategic Growth to Meet Alberta’s Future Need

We have released the following documents that speak to these priorities in more depth:

ASCHA’s 2025 Pre-Budget Submission –
 submitted to inform the Government of Alberta’s Budget 2025  

Tenant Support Services: More Than Just "Home" submitted to inform enhanced tenant supports throughout the tenancy lifecycle

Transforming Care for Aging Albertans: Leveraging Housing as Foundational to Integrated Care & Supports 
 speaks specifically to a new approach for home care and community health supports in housing settings

Proposed Alberta Seniors Transition Tax Credit ASCHA’s proposed Alberta Seniors Transition Tax Credit is based on the successful tax program established in Québec in 2000. The Québec tax credit is commonly referred to as CHS and is intended to assist seniors with providing choice in how they access the housing and supports they need. Our support of a Seniors Transition Tax Credit is based on our belief that, when you empower seniors to make their own choices in their support needs, their quality of life increases and allows for more freedom to enjoy living wherever they choose to call home.

Letters to Government
In addition to publishing position papers and reports, ASCHA also submits letters to elected officials with the authority to influence legislation, policy development, and housing issue prioritization within Cabinet or their respective Ministries. A selection of key letters to Government are listed below:

ASCHA Letter to Hon. Sean Fraser - Dec. 11, 2024

Letter to Minister of Health - Recent Changes to Pharmacy Fees & Visits - Dec. 5, 2024

Letter from Minister Jason Nixon Re: AHPP - Nov. 2024

AHPP Letter to Hon Jason Nixon - Sep. 20, 2024

Letter to Minister Nixon on Resolution 1-2024 - Apr. 12, 2024

Introduction Letter and Resolution to Minister LaGrange - Apr. 11, 2024

Introductory Letter from James Nibourg to Minister Williams - Apr. 5, 2024

Thank You Letter to Minister Nixon - Mar. 4, 2024

Member Resolutions
Once a year, ASCHA puts out a call for Member Resolutions, to be presented for adoption at our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Resolutions identify priority issues shared by the majority of our members that require action by other levels of government.

ASCHA’s Resolution Process and Guidelines

Active Resolutions:
ASCHA Resolution 1 2024 - Capital Maintenance
ASCHA Resolution 2 2024 - 24/7 Home Care Supports

A Better Understanding of the Housing Sector

Navigating the various community housing programs and seniors living options in Alberta can be complex. ASCHA’s members provide housing approaches across the full housing continuum – from deeply subsidized units in standalone homes or in congregate community housing developments, to near market rentals offered by public, non-profit, and even private providers, to market options for community and seniors housing - and a host of options in between.

Sector Fact Sheets
ASCHA is currently developing fact sheets to help audiences understand the full spectrum of housing programs in Alberta.

An Overview of Housing Programs in Alberta - Coming Soon!
The Alberta Seniors Lodge Program - Coming Soon!


National Advocacy Initiatives

ASCHA actively engages in national advocacy efforts by working collaboratively with organizations across Canada. As a member of key national associations, including the Canadian Housing & Renewal Association (CHRA), the Canadian Association of Non-Profit Housing Providers (CANPHA), and the Canadian Senior Living Association (CSLA), ASCHA lends its voice to national seniors living, as well as affordable housing policy.

Some of the initiatives we have taken part in include:

Economic Study on Community Housing and Productivity - ASCHA was a partner in a landmark study with the CHRA that explored the impact of affordable housing on Canada’s economic productivity. This study strengthens our advocacy at all levels for community housing investment.

Submission to Employment and Social Development Canada on a Trusted Employer System for Temporary Foreign Workers - As a member of CSLA, this submission detailed a pan-Canadian call-out to the Federal Government to address workforce shortages in seniors housing.

Through these partnerships and others, ASCHA continues to influence national discussions and drive forward critical reforms for the sector and the Albertans who call our members’ communities home.


Municipal Advocacy Initiatives

ASCHA actively engages with municipal partners to address the unique challenges facing housing providers across Alberta. We collaborate with organizations such as the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) and Alberta Municipalities (ABmunis) to ensure that the needs of housing providers and, most importantly, the Albertans they serve are represented.

Housing remains a critical issue for communities across Alberta and our collaboration remains critical to supporting ASCHA’s Noble Cause.