Associate Members include organizations or individuals that have objectives that relate to the provision of housing, but are not eligible to be a Regular Member.

Associate Member Benefits

Associate Member Directory 

There are four categories of Associate Membership:

Corporate Associate Members are organizations that offer products and services that relate to the provision of seniors and community housing. Our Corporate Associate Members are go-to resources for our Regular Members, and often the first companies consulted when new technologies, products or ideas are needed. 

Allied (Stakeholder) Associate Members are organizations, stakeholders and not-for-profit associations that have objectives that relate to services in the seniors and community housing industries. Our Allied (Stakeholder) Associate Members are valued collaborators on issue development and best practices, and often provide specialized expertise that enhances the housing industry as a whole. 

Training Provider Associate Members are organizations that provide education, training and professional development opportunities related to the seniors and community housing sectors. Our Training Provider Associate Members are valued collaborators on building capacity and enhancing the sector as a whole. Training Provider Member Benefits 

Education Associate Members are organizations who provide health care and/or support services relating to the housing sector and are not eligible for Regular Membership. These Education Associates have access to The Learning Centre for Senior Living (TLC) for employee training purposes. Education Associate Member Benefits 

Individual Associate Members are individuals that have objectives that relate to the housing industry, but are not a representative of a business, consulting firm, or sole proprietorship. Individuals who wish to become members for business purposes would have their needs better addressed through Corporate Associate Membership. 

Student Membership is for students enrolled in our ASCHA/RDP Certificate Program