Empowering Seniors' Wellness: Infection Control Unleashed – Webinar for ASCHA Members

October 3 at 1:00pm

Register now and join us for an informative session focused on enhancing infection control measures and preventing outbreaks in your communities. This webinar will equip your organization with vital knowledge and practical tools to improve the health and well-being of your employees and residents.

The webinar will be presented by Dr. Mohamed Hussein and will cover the following:

  • How to Recognize Infections and Risk Factors:
  • Identify and Access Resources and Tools:
  • Learn & Apply Effective Infection Control Practices:
  • Engage in a Q&A session to address your specific questions

This webinar is generously sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur!

ASCHA/ACCA/CCSA OHS Collaborative Member Forums

The Continuing Care Safety Association (CCSA), the Alberta Continuing Care Association (ACCA), and ASCHA have come together to provide collaborative and interactive forums for our members to discuss their occupational health & safety needs as well as emerging issues. 

We invite our members to join us and to catch up on what’s happening in the occupational health & safety world, and to address common concerns and questions in the housing and continuing care sectors. 

The outcomes of these sessions include:
- Provide a forum to address OHS questions and to share best practices
- Identify opportunities for reaching shared goals that benefit ASCHA, ACCA and CCSA’s shared memberships in alignment with their associations’ priorities

Save the dates and register now!
September 17, 2024
November 19, 2024

ASCHA's Webinar Sponsorship Opportunities

ASCHA webinars offer the perfect opportunity to support quality online education to members, as well as the promotion of your company. We provide quarterly educational webinars that average 70 attendees during the live presentation, and the recordings are available to view in the Members Area of ASCHA’s website, The Learning Centre for Senior Living and ASCHA Connect. This educational opportunity is one of our most valued membership benefits.

Sponsoring ASCHA webinars is a strategic way for your business to reach a wide audience of engaged housing professionals AND is a tangible demonstration of your company's commitment to the seniors and community housing sector. Our webinar sponsors are recognized as partners and thought leaders who support our members by providing access to cutting-edge information and training, giving them an edge in growing their knowledge and taking seniors and community housing to the next level.

For more information

ASCHA Member Orientation Webinar

ASCHA conducts regular webinars for new and not-so-new CAOs/CEOs and Leadership Teams to ensure that you are aware of all the member services and benefits available. Make the most out of your membership! If you are interested in an orientation for any of your Leadership Team contact us!